Open Slicer Format - Draft

Header length 4 bytes

Image logarithm 1 byte

Small image length 4 bytes + small image data //148*80 RGB565 format (without header)

Large image length 4 bytes + large image data //300*140 RGB565 format (without header)

Small image length 4 bytes + small image data //208*116 RGB565 format (without header)

Large image length 4 bytes + large image data //404*240 RGB565 format (without header)

Resolution X 2 bytes

Resolution Y 2 bytes

Accuracy: 2 bytes (micron as the unit, magnified one hundred times)

Mirroring 1 byte (00 not mirroring 01 X-axis mirroring 02 Y-axis mirroring 03 XY-axis mirroring)

Bottom light intensity PWM 1 byte

Light intensity PWM 1 byte

Grayscale enable 1 byte

Distortion enabled 1 byte

Support delayed exposure enable 1 byte (1 open 0 close)

Total number of layers 4 bytes

Number of parameter sets 2 bytes

Number (the end layer number of this parameter) 4 bytes

Layer thickness 4 bytes (micron as the unit, magnified one hundred times)

Number of bottom layers 1 byte

Exposure time 4 bytes (ms as the unit)

Bottom exposure time 4 bytes (ms as the unit)

Support delay time 4 bytes (ms as the unit)

Bottom support delayed exposure 4 bytes (ms as unit)

Number of transition layers 1 byte

Transition type 1 byte

Static time after return 4 bytes (ms as unit)

Static time after lifting 4 bytes (ms as unit)

Static time before lifting 4 bytes (ms as unit)

Transition layer interval time difference 4 bytes (ms as unit)

Backhaul distance 4 bytes (micron as a unit)

Slow backhaul distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

Bottom backhaul distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

The bottom slow backhaul distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

Lifting distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

Slow lifting distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

Lifting distance of the bottom layer 4 bytes (micron as a unit)

The bottom layer slowly lifting distance 4 bytes (micron as the unit)

Layer return speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Slow return speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Bottom backhaul speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Bottom slow return speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Lifting speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Slow lifting speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Bottom lifting speed 4 bytes (mm/min)

Slow lifting speed of bottom layer 4 bytes (mm/min)

Slicing software type 1 byte (each manufacturer's code >0x00)

Picture data

Picture encoding format:

Start 2 bytes 0D 0A (if 0D 0B is supporting a single exposure layer)

Total number of combinations: 4 bytes


Single pixel data is encoded with variable length, and the pixel data is represented by one byte:

Bit: 07-01 gives the pixel value (the original pixel is rounded down to the last bit)

Bit: 00 indicates whether this is a single pixel or a continuous pixel. (0 is a single pixel and 1 is a continuous pixel)

If it is a continuous pixel, the number of pixels is given by the following 1~4 bytes (Note: When the data length of a single pixel requires more than one byte for description, the bytes are arranged in big-endian order. This is the The only case in the file format series where numbers are represented by big endian), the specific instructions are as follows:

0b0xxxxxxx: 7-bit run length.

0b10xxxxxx: 14-bit running length, composed of 05-00 bits of this byte and the next byte, among which: 05-00 bits are high bits.

0b110xxxxx: 21-bit running length, composed of 04-00 bits of this byte and the next two bytes, of which: 04-00 bits are high bits.

0b1110xxxx: 28-bit running length, composed of 03-00 bits of this byte and the next three bytes, among which: 03-00 bits are high bits.

Examples are as follows:

0xFE is a single pixel with a value of 254.

0xFF 0x2a is a 42-pixel operation with a value of 254.